Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear Aunt Tori,

We really loved the video of Ester and the floppy hat picture. So cute!! And Tevye looks like a little boy!

We noticed that you got your hair cut, but we can't see the front in the video very well, can we have a picture?

Willow had to write a song for school, so she wrote it about the missing mice. Here it is.

(sing to the tune of Yankee Doodle)
Lost Mice

Ran upstairs to tell my Mom,
that we had lost our mice.
Found out they were in their tube,
which was rather nice.

She got a good grade of course.

We got to ride in the city bus yesterday, it was really really small. We thought that it would be really huge, but it wasn't. We saw lots of people get on and off and on and off. It was really fun.

We love you, have a great day!
love, Willow, Violet and Mom

Monday, October 25, 2010

Picture Day

Dear Girls—

I just love getting your letters. I had to laugh about your story with the mice—mice are just so darn sneaky! I’m very glad, for your Mama’s sake, that the mice didn’t really escape. No Mama wants mice running around her house.

Thank you for the lovely pictures. I made the one of the pretty red leaves the background on my computer desktop, and Uncle Dustin thought it was very beautiful. Next fall we are definitely coming to visit you!

Nothing very exciting has happened here, because it has been raining and raining and raining, and we’re all stuck inside (except Uncle Dustin, who is always stuck at work). But the up-side is that we’ve had lots of chances to take lots of pictures and videos! Here are a few that I though you might like:

This is my favorite video yet of Esther. She is such a sweet baby!

Here’s a picture of Tev that makes me happy and sad at the same time. On one hand, he looks so handsome and wonderful…but on the other hand, he looks so big and grown up! My baby! So big!

Here’s one of Esther that I get a kick out of. Tevye found a hat that belongs to her, but is way too big for her still. He doesn’t care, though—every time he finds it, he has to go put it on her head. So we have lots of pictures of Esther in a floppy hat.

Tevye’s been going through a phase where he’s completely fascinated with cars—he even makes the “vroom” sound as he pushes them all over the house.

And finally, is this baby adorable or what?

I love you girls so much! Have a wonderful day today!


Aunt Tori

Friday, October 22, 2010

Aunt Tori,

Tevye is so cute! What a smart little boy. Willow thinks that Tevye and Ester look just the same. Mom thinks Ester kicking her little legs is just too cute. What cute kids!!

This morning we thought that our mice got out. We looked all over their cage and we couldn't find them anywhere. We were really scared, but then Mom found them in their tube hiding. Whew!

It rained last night. That makes all the trees look even more red than ever. We wish you were here, you would love it.

We love you!!!
Just Willow and Mom today

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dear Girls--

I was so excited to read your letter! I love getting letters from you, and I’m so glad we decided to do this! First, let me answer your questions:

1. Yes, the dogs are very afraid of Tevye, and I don’t know why. Betsy wouldn’t even come out of her cage once unless Tevye was asleep—she just sat cowering in the back looking terrified. Poor dog. And the funny thing is, Tevye never even touched her! In fact, I don’t think he even noticed she was here!

2. We haven’t had any snow yet, but I’ll be sure to send pictures as soon as we do. I love the snow, too, so I can understand why you miss it. Everyone says that we’re going to have lots and lots of snow this winter, and I’m really excited.

Your little mice are so cute, and I think your names for them are great! Uncle Dustin laughed when I told him what you had named them, and he thinks you’re very clever. I also loved the picture of the tree you sent. I am so jealous that you are having such beautiful and warm fall weather. It has been very cold lately, and everything freezes at night. If I can ever afford a vacation, I’m going to come and visit you in the tropics.

I can’t believe that Violet is turning 5 already! She was supposed to stay a baby forever! :)

So, I have to show you the cutest thing ever. A while ago, Uncle Dustin and the kiddos and I watched Singing In the Rain, and Tevye loved it. This was his favorite part, I have no idea why

Since then, Tevye’s favorite words are ta tay tee toe too. He says them every chance he gets. Here he is playing with Esther, saying his favorite words:

This is the best, though. Here he’s reading a book to himself. He’s so cute, and he had just gotten out of the bath:

Isn’t that so cute? He’s such a funny little boy!

I love you girls so much, and I love getting your letters. I can't wait to hear from you again!


Aunt Tori

Aunt Tori,
Ester is SO cute! Tevye's shoe decorating was pretty funny. Are the dogs afraid of Tevye? Why?

We got 2 mice instead of a hamster. They're really cute. We named them Cinnamon and Sugar. They pretty much always sleep and play, 'cause mice love to play. We get to feed them and hold them. Willow wants you to know that Cinnamon pooped on her once.

The fall weather is just beautiful here. Here's the tree that Mom was telling you about. Isn't it lovely? Click to make it bigger. You could make a print out of that.

Is it snowing yet? We miss the snow. Well, Mom doesn't, but we do.

Violet's birthday is in 9 days and she's very excited! She's turning 5.

We Love you!!!!
Love, Willow and Violet (and Mom).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello Girls!

I’m so glad you like the blog! I searched and searched until I found the very pinkest background I could get, and I love it!

How exciting that you’re getting a hamster—you’ll have to send lots of pictures. We’ve been dog-sitting Rosco and Betsy while Nana and Papa are on their trip, and I think we’ve decided that we’re not going to try having pets of our own any time soon… :) Tevye has been fascinated with their cages, though. He decided to do a little interior decorating to them to make the dogs feel more at home. Here’s a look:

Oh well. At least the dog wasn’t inside the cage at the time!

I just have to put up the cutest picture of Esther! Isn’t she just adorable? She's almost 5 months old now, and is getting so big!

I hope you are all doing great, and I love you!

Aunt Tori

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hi Frantz's!!

Oh Aunt Tori!! We love it! It's so pink! This is going to be so much fun.

We have spent the day shopping for mouse equipment. But all we found was a water bottle. I guess yards sales aren't the best place to shop for those kind of things. Then we found free hamsters on Craigslist, so we'll be getting hamsters instead of a mouse. We're all very excited.

The yard sales weren't completely a bust, because we found Cranium!!!!! Okay, so it's a little above the girls' heads, but it's still fun. Any game that includes playdough is just plain cool.